以下代码可用于匹配apacherizhi/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>apache日志中的日期,然后得到类似:17 Dec 06 03:26:49 -0500的返回结果。
<?php // Set the default timezone to US/Eastern time: date_default_timezone_set('US/Eastern'); // Simulate reading an Apache log file, with the following line: $logline = ' - - [17/dec/2006:00:26:49 -0800] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 41228'; // Since we only want the date section, use regex to obtain it: preg_match('/[(.*?)]/', $logline, $matches); // Take the date, and convert it: $timestamp = strtotime($matches[1]); // Now echo it out again to ensure that we read it correctly: echo date(DATE_RFC822, $timestamp); ?>