<?php /** * session与cookie操作类 * by */ class Session { private $use_cookie; private $preStr; private $maxCookie; private $cookieLenght; private $stringone; private $duratacookie; private $secret; public function __construct ($cook = "zipcook") { $this->use_cookie = $cook; //choose mode $this->preStr= "_KK_"; //prefix for cookies $this->maxCookie=20; //since cookie lenght is limited, I've limited the number of cookies $this->cookieLenght=3096; //max cookie length (it depends on browser) $this->duratacookie=3600*24;//cookie life time $this->secred="secret"; //secret keyword to crypt/decrypt, change this to customize encryption if ($this->use_cookie=="yes") { } elseif ($this->use_cookie=="zipcook") { $this->stringone = $this->prelevaStringaTotale(); } else { ini_set("session.gc_maxlifetime","432000"); ini_set("url_rewriter.tags",""); ini_set("session.use_trans_sid", false); session_start(); } } /* --------------------------- */ /* parse_str 变量 */ /* -------------------------- */ private function build_str($ar) { $qs = array(); foreach ($ar as $k => $v) { $qs[] = $k.'='.$v; } return join('&', $qs); } /* ------------------------------ */ /* 获取加密后的cookie列表 */ /* cookies */ /* ----------------------------- */ private function prelevaStringaTotale() { $cookiesSet = array_keys($_COOKIE); $out = ""; for ($x=0;$x<count($cookiesSet);$x++) { if (strpos(" ".$cookiesSet[$x],$this->preStr)==1) $out.=$_COOKIE[$cookiesSet[$x]]; } return $this->decrypta($out); } public function debug() { // for debug return $this->prelevaStringaTotale(); } /* ---------------------------- */ /* 确定可用的cookies */ /* ---------------------------- */ private function calcolaCookieLiberi() { $cookiesSet = array_keys($_COOKIE); $c=0; for ($x=0;$x<count($cookiesSet);$x++) { if (strpos(" ".$cookiesSet[$x],$this->preStr)==1) $c+=1; } return $this->maxCookie - count($cookiesSet) + $c; } /* ------------------------ */ /* 分割字符串存储进cookie */ /* ------------------------ */ private function my_str_split($s,$len) { $output = array(); if (strlen($s)<=$len) { $output[0] = $s; return $output; } $i = 0; while (strlen($s)>0) { $s = substr($s,0,$len); $output[$i]=$s; $s = substr($s,$len); $i++; } return $output; } /* ----------------------------- */ /* 保存session与cookie值 */ /* ----------------------------- */ public function register($var,$value) { $this->set($var,$value); } public function set($var,$value) { if ($this->use_cookie=="yes") { setcookie($var,$this->crypta($value),time()+$this->duratacookie,"/", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ); } elseif ($this->use_cookie=="zipcook") { if ($this->stringone!="") { parse_str($this->stringone, $vars); } else { $vars=array(); } $vars[$var] = $value; //aggiungo-modifico valore $str = $this->crypta($this->build_str($vars)); $arr = $this->my_str_split($str,$this->cookieLenght); $cLiberi = $this->calcolaCookieLiberi(); if (count($arr) < $cLiberi) { // c'ho spazio, posso registrare $this->stringone = $this->build_str($vars); for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++) { setcookie($this->preStr.$i,$arr[$i],time()+$this->duratacookie,"/", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ); } } else { //cookie overflow return "errore cookie overflow"; } } else { session_register($var); } } /* ------------------------------------------- */ /* 获取加密后的cookie值,未加密,请直接取得 */ /* ------------------------------------------- */ public function get($var) { if ($this->use_cookie=="yes") { global $_COOKIE; return $this->decrypta($_COOKIE[$var]); } elseif ($this->use_cookie=="zipcook") { if ($this->stringone!="") { parse_str($this->stringone, $vars); } else { return ""; } if(!isset($vars[$var])) { return ""; } return $vars[$var]; } else { if ($this->is_registered($var)) { $this->$var=$GLOBALS[$var]; } else if(isset($GLOBALS[$var])) $this->$var = $GLOBALS[$var]; else $this->$var=""; return($this->$var); } } /* --------------------------- */ /* 清空session或cookie */ /* -------------------------- */ public function finish() { if ($this->use_cookie=="yes") { $cookiesSet = array_keys($_COOKIE); for ($x=0;$x<count($cookiesSet);$x++) { //echo $cookiesSet[$x]."<br/>"; setcookie($cookiesSet[$x],"",time()-3600*24,"/", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ); //faccio scadere il cookie } } elseif ($this->use_cookie=="zipcook") { $cookiesSet = array_keys($_COOKIE); for ($x=0;$x<count($cookiesSet);$x++) { if (strpos(" ".$cookiesSet[$x],$this->preStr)==1) setcookie($cookiesSet[$x],"",time()-3600*24,"/",$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); $this->stringone=""; } } else { session_destroy(); $_SESSION = array(); } } /* 加密 */ private function crypta($t){ if ($t=="") return $t; $r = md5(10); $c=0; $v=""; for ($i=0;$i<strlen($t);$i++){ if ($c==strlen($r)) $c=0; $v.= substr($r,$c,1) . (substr($t,$i,1) ^ substr($r,$c,1)); $c++; } return (base64_encode($this->ed($v))); } /* 解密 */ private function decrypta($t) { if ($t=="") return $t; $t = $this->ed(base64_decode(($t))); $v = ""; for ($i=0;$i<strlen($t);$i++){ $md5 = substr($t,$i,1); $i++; $v.= (substr($t,$i,1) ^ $md5); } return $v; } /* used to crypt/decrypt */ private function ed($t) { $r = md5($this->secret); $c=0; $v=""; for ($i=0;$i<strlen($t);$i++) { if ($c==strlen($r)) $c=0; $v.= substr($t,$i,1) ^ substr($r,$c,1); $c++; } return $v; } } ?>
<? //test1.php include("session.class.php"); $s = new Session(); $s->set("userid","27"); ?>
<? //test2.php include("session.class.php"); $s = new Session(); echo $s->get("userid"); //27 ?>