The following get the script's directory, which is not the same as the current directory. It's not clear which one you want.
use Cwd qw( abs_path );
useFile::Basename qw( dirname );
say dirname(abs_path($0));
usePath::Class qw( file );
say file($0)->absolute->dir;
useCwd qw( abs_path );
use Path::Class qw( file );
say file(abs_path($0))->dir;
The middle one handles symlinks different than the other two, I believe.
例2,To get the current working directory (pwd on many systems), you could use cwd() instead of abs_path:
useCwd qw();
my $path =Cwd::cwd();
print "$pathn";
Or abs_path without an argument:
useCwd qw();
my $path =Cwd::abs_path();
print "$pathn";
See the Cwd docs for details.
To get the directory your perl file is in from outside of the directory:
useFile::Basename qw();
my($name, $path, $suffix)=File::Basename::fileparse($0);
print "$pathn";
See the File::Basename docs for more details.
例3,You could use FindBin:
use FindBin '$RealBin';
print "$RealBinn";
FindBin is a standard module that is installed when you install Perl.
To get a list of the standard pragmatics and modules, see perldoc perlmodlib.