perl chmod函数的用法举例(Windows平台)

本文介绍下,在windows平台下使用perl chmod的例子,有需要的朋友参考下。

通过实例学习perl chmod函数的用法。


复制代码 代码示例:


#chmod LIST;

$ perl -e '$count=chmod 0755, "foo.p", "boo.p" ;print "$count files changed.n"'


复制代码 代码示例:

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

use Getopt::Long;

my $ret = GetOptions ("f|filename:s", "p|permission:s");
my $filename = $opt_f || die "Usage: $0 -f filename -p Permissionn";
my $newPerm = $opt_p || die "Usage: $0 -f filename -p Permissionn";

# Does the file exist?
if (! -e $filename)
   print "The file $filename does not exist.n";

# Translate the string mode to an octal value
my $mode = oct($newPerm);

# Change the permissions of the file.
if ((chmod $mode, $filename) != 1)
   print "Error: Could not change permissions on $filename : $!n";

附,The chmod Function (UNIX)

Octal   Binary   PermissionsMeaning
0   000  none   All turned off
1   001  --xExecute
2   010  -w-Write
3   011  -wxWrite, execute
4   100  r--Read
5   101  r-xRead, execute
6   110  rw-Read, write
7   111  rwxRead, write, execute