
有关mysql数据库表排序的方法,mysql使用order by命令排序查询结果,使用表达式排序,mysql基于日期的排序,mysql按日历排序等。


drop table if exists driver_log;
create table driver_log
  rec_id    int unsigned not null auto_incerment,
  name      varchar(20) not null,
  trav_date date not null,
  miles     int not null,
  primary key (rec_id)

insert into driver_log (name,trav_date,miles)

select * from driver_log;
select * from mail;

----------------------使用order by命令排序查询结果-------------------------

select * from driver_log order by name;
select * from driver_log order by name asc;
select * from driver_log order by name desc;
select * from driver_log order by name, trav_date;
select * from driver_log order by name desc, trav_date desc;
select * from driver_log order by name desc, trav_date;
select name, trav_date, miles as distance from driver_log order by distance;
select name, trav_date, miles as distance from driver_log order by distance desc;


select * from mail;
select t, srcuser, floor((size+1023)/1024)
from mail
where size > 50000
order by floor((size+1023)/1024);

select t, srcuser, floor((size+1023)/1024) as kilobytes
from mail
where size > 50000
order by kilobytes;


select t, srcuser, concat(floor((size+1023)/1024), 'K') as size_in_k
from mail where size > 50000
order by size_in_k;

select t, srcuser, concat(floor((size+1023)/1024), 'K') as size_in_k
from mail where size > 50000
order by size;

drop table if exists roster;

create table roster
  name        CHAR(30),   # player name
  jersey_num  CHAR(3)     # jersey number

insert into roster (name, jersey_num)

select name, jersey_num from roster;
select name, jersey_num from roster order by jersey_num;
select name, jersey_num from roster order by jersey_num+0;

select t, concat(srcuser, '@', srchost) as sender, size
from mail where size > 50000
order by srchost, srcuser;

drop table if exists name;

create table name
  last_name   char(20),
  first_name  char(20)

insert into name (first_name,last_name) VALUES('Kevin','Brown');
insert into name (first_name,last_name) VALUES('Vida','Blue');
insert into name (first_name,last_name) VALUES('Pete','Gray');
insert into name (first_name,last_name) VALUES('Devon','White');
insert into name (first_name,last_name) VALUES('Rondell','White');

select last_name, first_name from name order by last_name, first_name;
select concat(first_name, ' ', last_name) as full_name from name order by last_name, first_name;


drop table if exists str_val;

create table str_val
  ci_str   char(3) character set latin1 collate latin1_swedish_ci,
  cs_str   char(3) character set latin1 collate latin1_general_cs,
  bin_str  binary(3)

insert into str_val (ci_str,cs_str,bin_str) VALUES

select * from str_val;
select * from str_val order by ci_str;
select * from str_val order by cs_str;
select * from str_val order by bin_str;

select ci_str from str_val order by ci_str;
select cs_str from str_val order by cs_str;
select bin_str from str_val order by bin_str;

select ci_str from str_val order by ci_str collate latin1_general_cs;
select cs_str from str_val order by cs_str collate latin1_swedish_ci;
select cs_str from str_val order by upper(cs_str);
select bin_str from str_val order by convert(bin_str using latin1) collate latin1_swedish_ci;


drop table if exists temporal_val;

create table temporal_val
  d   date,
  dt  datetime,
  t   time,
  ts  timestamp

insert into temporal_val (d, dt, t, ts)
    ('1970-01-01','1884-01-01 12:00:00','13:00:00','1980-01-01 02:00:00'),
    ('1999-01-01','1860-01-01 12:00:00','19:00:00','2021-01-01 03:00:00'),
    ('1981-01-01','1871-01-01 12:00:00','03:00:00','1975-01-01 04:00:00'),
    ('1964-01-01','1899-01-01 12:00:00','01:00:00','1985-01-01 05:00:00')

select * from temporal_val;
select * from temporal_val order by d;
select * from temporal_val order by dt;
select * from temporal_val order by t;
select * from temporal_val order by ts;


drop table if exists event;
create table event
  date        date,
  description varchar(255)

insert into event (date,description)
    ('1789-07-04','US Independence Day'),
    ('1776-07-14','Bastille Day'),
    ('1957-10-04','Sputnik launch date'),
    ('1958-01-31','Explorer 1 launch date'),
    ('1919-06-28','Signing of the Treaty of Versailles'),
    ('1732-02-22','George Washington's birthday'),
    ('1989-11-09','Opening of the Berlin Wall'),
    ('1944-06-06','D-Day at Normandy Beaches'),
    ('1215-06-15','Signing of the Magna Carta'),
    ('1809-02-12','Abraham Lincoln's birthday')

select date, description from event;
select date, description from event order by date;
select date, description from event order by month(date), dayofmonth(date);

select date, description from event order by dayofyear(date);
select dayofyear('1996-02-29'), dayofyear('1997-03-01');


select dayname(date) as day, date, description
from event
order by dayofweek(date);

select dayname(date), date, description
from event
order by mod(dayofweek(date)+5, 7);


select * from mail order by hour(t), minute(t), second(t);
select *, time_to_sec(t) from mail order by time_to_sec(t);


drop table if exists housewares;
create table housewares
  id      VARCHAR(20),
  description VARCHAR(255)

insert into housewares (id,description)
    ('DIN40672US', 'dining table'),
    ('KIT00372UK', 'garbage disposal'),
    ('KIT01729JP', 'microwave oven'),
    ('BED00038SG', 'bedside lamp'),
    ('BTH00485US', 'shower stall'),
    ('BTH00415JP', 'lavatory')

select * from housewares;

drop table if exists  housewares2;
create table housewares2
  id      varchar(20),
  description varchar(255)

insert into housewares2 (id,description)
    ('DIN40672US', 'dining table'),
    ('KIT372UK', 'garbage disposal'),
    ('KIT1729JP', 'microwave oven'),
    ('BED38SG', 'bedside lamp'),
    ('BTH485US', 'shower stall'),
    ('BTH415JP', 'lavatory')

select * from housewares2;

drop table if exists housewares3;
create table housewares3
  id      VARCHAR(20),
  description VARCHAR(255)

insert into housewares3 (id,description)
    ('13-478-92-2', 'dining table'),
    ('873-48-649-63', 'garbage disposal'),
    ('8-4-2-1', 'microwave oven'),
    ('97-681-37-66', 'bedside lamp'),
    ('27-48-534-2', 'shower stall'),
    ('5764-56-89-72', 'lavatory')

select * from housewares3;

drop table if exists hw_category;
create table hw_category
  abbrev  VARCHAR(3),
  name  VARCHAR(20)

insert into hw_category (abbrev,name)
    ('DIN', 'dining'),
    ('KIT', 'kitchen'),
    ('BTH', 'bathroom'),
    ('BED', 'bedroom')

select * from hw_category;

select * from housewares;
select * from housewares order by id;

select id, left(id, 3) as category, mid(id, 4, 5) as serial, right(id, 2) as country from housewares;
select * from housewares order by left(id, 3);
select * from housewares order by mid(id, 4, 5);
select * from housewares order by right(id, 2);
select * from housewares order by right(id, 2), mid(id, 4, 5);

select * from housewares2;
select id, left(substring(id, 4), char_length(substring(id, 4))-2) from housewares2;
select id, substring(id, 4), substring(id, 4, char_length(id)-5) from housewares2;
select * from housewares2 order by substring(id, 4, char_length(id)-5);

select * from housewares2 order by substring(id, 4, char_length(id)-5);
select * from housewares2 order by substring(id, 4, char_length(id)-5)+0;
select *, substring(id, 4, char_length(id)-5)+0 from housewares2 order by substring(id, 4, char_length(id)-5)+0;
select * from housewares2 order by substring(id, 4)+0;

select * from housewares3;
select id, substring_index(substring_index(id, '-', 2), '-', -1) as segment2,
        substring_index(substring_index(id, '-', 4), '-', -1) as segment4
from housewares3;

select * from housewares3 order by substring_index(substring_index(id, '-', 2), '-', -1);
select * from housewares3 order by substring_index(substring_index(id, '-', 2), '-', -1)+0;


drop table if exists hostname;
create table hostname
  name  varchar(64)

insert into hostname (name)

select * from hostname;

select name from hostname order by name;
select name, substring_index(substring_index(name, '.', -3), '.', 1) as leftmost,
        substring_index(substring_index(name, '.', -2), '.', 1) as middle,
        substring_index(name, '.', -1) as rightmost
from hostname;

select name, substring_index(substring_index(concat('..', name), '.', -3), '.', 1) as leftmost,
        substring_index(substring_index(concat('.', name), '.', -2), '.', 1) as middle,
        substring_index(name, '.', -1) as rightmost
from hostname;

select name, substring_index(substring_index(concat('....', name), '.', -3), '.', 1) as leftmost,
        substring_index(substring_index(concat('....', name), '.', -2), '.', 1) as middle,
        substring_index(name, '.', -1) as rightmost
from hostname;

select name from hostname
order by
substring_index(name, '.', -1),
substring_index(substring_index(concat('.', name), '.', -2), '.', 1),
substring_index(substring_index(concat('..', name), '.', -3), '.', 1);



drop table if exists hostip;
create table hostip
  ip  varchar(64)

insert into hostip (ip)

select * from hostip ORDER BY ip;

select ip from hostip
order by
substring_index(ip, '.', 1)+0,
substring_index(substring_index(ip, '.', -3), '.', 1)+0,
substring_index(substring_index(ip, '.', -2), '.', 1)+0,
substring_index(ip, '.', -1)+0;

select ip from hostip order by inet_aton(ip);

select ip, ip+0 from hostip;


select null = null;

drop table if exists t;
create table t (
  val varchar(64)

insert into t (val)

select val from t;
select val from t order by val;
select val from t order by if(val is null, 1, 0), val;

select t, srcuser, dstuser, size
from mail
order by if(srcuser='phil', 0, 1), srcuser, dstuser;

select t, srcuser, dstuser, size
from mail
order by if(srcuser=dstuser, 0, 1), srcuser, dstuser;

select t, srcuser, dstuser, size
from mail
order by  if(srcuser=dstuser, null, srcuser), dstuser;


select *, field(name, 'Henry', 'Suzi', 'Ben') from driver_log
order by field(name, 'Henry', 'Suzi', 'Ben');

select id, description, field(right(id, 2), 'US', 'UK', 'JP', 'SG') from housewares
order by field(right(id, 2), 'US', 'UK', 'JP', 'SG');


drop table id exists weekday;

create table weekday
  day enum('Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday',

insert into weekday (day) values('Monday'),('Friday'),

select * from weekday;
select day, day+0 from weekday;
select day, day+0 from weekday order by day;
select day, day+0 from weekday order by cast(day as char);

drop table if exists color;

create table color
  name  cahr(10)

insert into color (name)

select name from color;
select name from color order by name;
select name from color order by field(name, 'red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'indigo', 'violet');

select name, field(name, 'red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'indigo', 'violet')
from color
order by field(name, 'red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'indigo', 'violet');

alter table color
modify name
enum('red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'indigo', 'violet');

select name from color;
select name from color order by name;