


复制代码 代码示例:

  d DATE

INSERT INTO date_val (d) VALUES('1864-02-28');
INSERT INTO date_val (d) VALUES('1900-01-15');
INSERT INTO date_val (d) VALUES('1987-03-05');
INSERT INTO date_val (d) VALUES('1999-12-31');
INSERT INTO date_val (d) VALUES('2000-06-04');

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS datetime_val;
CREATE TABLE datetime_val

INSERT INTO datetime_val (dt) VALUES('1970-01-01 00:00:00');
INSERT INTO datetime_val (dt) VALUES('1987-03-05 12:30:15');
INSERT INTO datetime_val (dt) VALUES('1999-12-31 09:00:00');
INSERT INTO datetime_val (dt) VALUES('2000-06-04 15:45:30');

  t1  TIME,
  t2  TIME

INSERT INTO time_val (t1,t2) VALUES('15:00:00','15:00:00');
INSERT INTO time_val (t1,t2) VALUES('05:01:30','02:30:20');
INSERT INTO time_val (t1,t2) VALUES('12:30:20','17:30:45');

  t1  TIME,
  t2  TIME

INSERT INTO time_val (t1,t2) VALUES('15:00:00','15:00:00');
INSERT INTO time_val (t1,t2) VALUES('05:01:30','02:30:20');
INSERT INTO time_val (t1,t2) VALUES('12:30:20','17:30:45');

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS timestamp_val;
CREATE TABLE timestamp_val

INSERT INTO timestamp_val (ts) VALUES('1970-01-01 09:00:00');
INSERT INTO timestamp_val (ts) VALUES('1987-03-05 12:30:15');
INSERT INTO timestamp_val (ts) VALUES('1999-12-31 09:00:00');
INSERT INTO timestamp_val (ts) VALUES('2000-06-04 15:45:30');

select * from date_val;
select * from datetime_val;
select * from time_val;
select * from timestamp_val;


select str_to_date('May 13, 2007', '%M %d, %Y');
insert into date_val (d) values(str_to_date('May 13, 2007', '%M %d, %Y'));
select * from date_val;
select d, date_format(d, '%M %d, %Y') from date_val;
select d, date_format(d, '%M %d, %Y') as date from date_val;

格式化字符                含义
%Y                                年份,数字形式,4位数
%y                                年份,数字形式,2位数
%M                                完整度月份名称(Hanuary-December)
%b                                月份名称的前三个字母(Jan-Dec)
%m                                月份,数字形式(01..12)
%c                                月份,数字形式(1..12)
%d                                该月日期,数字形式(01..31)
%e                                该月日期,数字形式(1..31)
%W                                工作日名称(Sunday..Saturday)
%r                                时间,12小时制,以AM或PM结尾
%T                                时间,24小时制
%H                                小时,数字形式,2位数(00..23)
%i                                分钟,数字形式,2位数(00..59)
%s                                秒,数字形式,2位数(00..59)
%%                                '%'文字字符

select dt, date_format(dt, '%c/%e/%y %r') as format1, date_format(dt, '%M %e, %Y %T') as format2 from datetime_val;
select dt, time_format(dt, '%r') as '12-hour time', time_format(dt, '%T') as '24-hour time' from datetime_val;

delimiter $$
create function time_ampm(t time)
returns varchar(13) # mm:dd:ss (a.m.|p.m.)格式
    declare ampm char(4);
    if time_to_sec(t) < 12*60*60 then
        set ampm = 'a.m.';
        set ampm = 'p.m.';
    end if;
    return concat(left(time_format(4, '%r'), 9), ampm);
delimiter ;

select t1, time_ampm(t1) from time_val;


drop table if exists t;
create table t (ts timestamp);
insert into t (ts) values('2006-06-01 12:30:00');
select ts from t;

select @@global.time_zone, @@session.time_zone;
select ts from t;
set session time_zone = '+04:00';
select @@global.time_zone, @@session.time_zone;
select ts from t;


select curdate(), curtime(), now();
select current_date(), current_time(), current_timestamp();
select utc_date(), utc_time(), utc_timestamp();


drop table if exists t;
create table t(ts timestamp);
show create table tG

drop table if exists tsdemo1;
create table tsdemo1(ts timestamp, val int);
insert into tsdemo1(val) values(5);
insert into tsdemo1(ts, val) values(null, 10);
select * from tsdemo1;
update tsdemo1 set val = 6 where val = 5;
select * from tsdemp1;
update tsdemo1 set val = val + 1;

drop table if exists tsdemo2;
create table tsdemo2(t_create timestamp default current_timestamp, val int);
select * from tsdemo2;

insert into tsdemo2(val) values(5);
insert into tsdemo2(t_create, val) values(null, 10);
select * from tsdemo2;

update tsdemo2 set val = val + 1;
select * from tsdemo2;



select dt, date(dt), time(dt) from datetime_val;

函数                                返回值
year()                            月份数值   
month()                            月份名称(1..12)           
monthname()                    月份中的天数值(January..December)
dayofmonth()                    一周中的天数(1..31)
dayname()                        一周中的天数(Sunday..Saturday)
dayofweek()                    一周中的天数(1..7对应Sunday..Saturday)
weekday()                        一周中的天数(0..6对应Monday..Sunday)
dayofyear()                    一年中的天数值(1.366)
hour()                            时间中的小数值(0..23)
minute()                        时间中的分数值(0..59)
second()                        时间中的秒数(0..59)

select dt, year(dt), dayofmonth(dt), hour(dt), second(dt) from datetime_val;
select d, dayofyear(d) from date_val;
select d, dayname(d), left(dayname(d), 3) from date_val;

select d, dayname(d), dayofweek(d), weekday(d) from date_val;  /*dayofweek 1~7星期天到星期六 weekday0~6星期一到星期天*/
select dt, extract(day from dt), extract(hour from dt) from datetime_val;  /*year,month,day,hour,minute,second*/
select curdate(), year(curdate()) as year, month(curdate()) as month, monthname(curdate()) as monthname, dayofmonth(curdate()) as day, dayname(curdate()) as dayname;
select now(), hour(now()) as hour, minute(now()) as minute, second(now()) as second;

select dt, date_format(dt, '%Y') as year, date_format(dt, '%d') as day, time_format(dt, '%H') as hour, time_format(dt, '%s') as second from datetime_val;
select dt, date_format(dt, '%Y-%m-%d') as 'date part', time_format(dt, '%T') as 'time part' from datetime_val;
select ts, date_format(ts, '%M %e, %Y') as 'descriptive date', time_format(ts, '%H:%i') as 'hours/minutes' from timestamp_val;

select dt, left(dt, 4) as year, mid(dt, 9, 2) as day, right(dt, 2) as second from datetime_val;
select dt, left(dt, 10) as date, right(dt, 8) as time from datetime_val;
select ts, left(ts, 10) as date, right(ts, 8) as time from timestamp_val;


select maketime(10,30,58), maketime(-5,0,11);
select makedate(2007,60);
select d, date_format(d, '%Y-%m-01') from date_val;
select t1, time_format(t1, '%H:%i:00') from time_val;
select d, concat(year(d), '-', month(d), '-01') from date_val;
select d, concat(year(d), '-', lpad(month(d), 2, '0'), '-01') from date_val;
select d, concat(year(d), '-', lpad(month(d), 4, '0'), '-01') from date_val;
select t1, concat(lpad(hour(t1), 2, '0'), ':', lpad(minute(t1), 2, '0'), ':00') as recombined from time_val;

set @d = '2006-02-28';
set @t = '13:10:05';
select @d, @t, concat(@d, ' ', @t);


select t1, time_to_sec(t1) as 'TIME to seconds', sec_to_time(time_to_sec(t1)) as 'TIME to seconds to TIME' from time_val;
select t1, time_to_sec(t1) as 'seconds', time_to_sec(t1)/60 as 'minutes', time_to_sec(t1)/(60*60) as hours, time_to_sec(t1)/(24*60*60) as 'days' from time_val;

select t1, time_to_sec(t1) as 'seconds',
        floor(time_to_sec(t1)/60) as 'minutes',
        floor(time_to_sec(t1)/(60*60)) as hours,
        floor(time_to_sec(t1)/(24*60*60)) as 'days'
from time_val;

select dt, time_to_sec(dt) as 'time part in seconds',
        sec_to_time(time_to_sec(dt)) as 'time part as TIME'
from datetime_val;

select ts, time_to_sec(ts) as 'time part in seconds',
        sec_to_time(time_to_sec(ts)) as 'time part as TIME'
from timestamp_val;

select d, to_days(d) as 'date to days', from_days(to_days(d)) as 'DATE to days to DATE' from date_val;
select dt, to_days(dt) as 'date part in days', from_days(to_days(dt)) as 'date part as DATE' from datetime_val;
select ts, to_days(ts) as 'date part in days', from_days(to_days(ts)) as 'date part as DATE' from timestamp_val;

select dt, unix_timestamp(dt) as seconds, from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(dt)) as timestamp from datetime_val;
select curdate(), unix_timestamp(curdate()), from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(curdate()))G


set @d1 = '2010-01-01', @d2 = '2009-12-01';
select datediff(@d1, @d2) as 'd1 - d2', datediff(@d2, @d1) as 'd2 - d1';

set @t1 = '12:00:00', @t2 = '16:30:00';
select timediff(@t1, @t2) as 't1 - t2', timediff(@t2, @t1) as 't2 - t1';

select t1, t2, timediff(t2, t1) as 't2 - t1 as TIME',
        if(timediff(t2, t1) >= 0, '+', '-') as sign,
        hour(timediff(t2, t1)) as hour,
        minute(timediff(t2, t1)) as minute,
        second(timediff(t2, t1)) as second
from time_val;

set @dt1 = '1900-01-01 00:00:00', @dt2 = '1910-01-01 00:00:00';
select timestampdiff(minute, @dt1, @dt2) as minutes,
        timestampdiff(hour, @dt1, @dt2) as hours,
        timestampdiff(day, @dt1, @dt2) as days,
        timestampdiff(week, @dt1, @dt2) as weeks,
        timestampdiff(year, @dt1, @dt2) as years;
select t1, t2, time_to_sec(t2) - time_to_sec(t1) as 't2 - t1 (in seconds)',
        sec_to_time(time_to_sec(t2) - time_to_sec(t1)) as 't2 - t1 (as TIME)'
from time_val;

select to_days('1884-01-01') - to_days('1883-06-05') as days;
select (to_days('1884-01-01') - to_days('1883-06-05')) / 7 as weeks;

set @dt1 = '1984-01-01 09:00:00';
set @dt2 = @dt1 + interval 14 day;
select unix_timestamp(@dt2) - unix_timestamp(@dt1) as seconds;

set @interval = unix_timestamp(@dt2) - unix_timestamp(@dt1);
select @interval as seconds,
        @interval / 60 as minutes,
        @interval / (60 * 60) as hours,
        @interval / (24 * 60 * 60) as days,
        @interval / (7 * 24 * 60 * 60) as weeks;
set @dt1 = '1800-02-14 07:30:00';
set @dt2 = @dt1 + interval 7 day;
set @interval = ((to_days(@dt2) - to_days(@dt1)) * 24 * 60 * 60)
        + time_to_sec(@dt2) - time_to_sec(@dt1);

select @interval as seconds, sec_to_time(@interval) as time;


set @t1 = '12:00:00', @t2 = '15:30:00';
select addtime(@t1, @t2);

set @dt = '1984-03-01 12:00:00', @t = '12:00:00';
select addtime(@dt, @t);

set @d = '1984-03-01', @t = '15:30:00';
select timestamp(@d, @t);

set @dt = '1984-03-01 12:00:00', @t = '12:00:00';
select timestamp(@dt, @t);

select curdate(), date_add(curdate(), interval 3 day);

select curdate(), date_sub(curdate(), interval 7 day);

select now(), date_add(now(), interval 60 hour);

select now(), date_add(now(), interval '14:30' hour_minute);
select now(), date_add(now(), interval '3 4' day_hour);
select curdate(), curdate() + interval 1 year;
select now(), now() - interval '1 12' day_hour;

select t1, sec_to_time(time_to_sec(t1) + 7200) as 't1 plus 2 hours' from time_val;

select t1, t2, time_to_sec(t1) + time_to_sec(t2) as 't1 + t2 (in seconds)',
        sec_to_time(time_to_sec(t1) + time_to_sec(t2)) as 't1 + t2 (as TIME)'
from time_val;

select t1, t2, mod(time_to_sec(t1) + time_to_sec(t2), 86400) as 't1 + t2 (in seconds)',
        sec_to_time(mod(time_to_sec(t1) + time_to_sec(t2), 86400)) as 't1 + t2 (as TIME)'
from time_val;

set @d = '2006-01-01';
select @d as date, from_days(to_days(@d) + 7) as 'date + 1 week',
        from_days(to_days(@d) - 7) as 'date - 1 week';
set @dt = '2006-01-01 12:30:45';
select @dt as datetime,
        from_days(to_days(@dt) + 7) as 'datetime + 1 week',
        from_days(to_days(@dt) - 7) as 'datetime - 1 week';
set @dt = '2006-01-01 09:00:00';
select @dt as datetime,
        from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(@dt) + 3600) as 'datetime + 1 hour',
        from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(@dt) - 3600) as 'datetime - 1 hour';

drop table if exists sibling;
create table sibling
  name  char(20),
  birth date

insert into sibling (name,birth) values('Gretchen','1942-04-14');
insert into sibling (name,birth) values('Wilbur','1946-11-28');
insert into sibling (name,birth) values('Franz','1953-03-05');

select * from sibling;

select name, birth, curdate() as today, timestampdiff(year, birth, curdate()) as 'age in years' from sibling;
select name, birth, '1953-03-05' as 'Franz'' birth', timestampdiff(year, birth, '1953-03-05') as 'age in years' from sibling where name != 'Franz';
select name, birth, curdate() as today, timestampdiff(month, birth, curdate()) as 'age in months' from sibling;

select dayofyear('1995-03-01'), dayofyear('1996-02-29');
select right('1995-03-01', 5), right('1996-02-29', 5);
select if('02-29' < '03-01', '02-29', '03-01') as earliest;

set @birth = '1965-03-01';
set @target = '1975-01-01';
select @birth, @target, year(@target)- year(@birth) as 'difference',
        if(right(@target, 5) < right(@birth, 5), 1, 0) as 'adjustment',
        year(@target) - year(@birth) - if(right(@target, 5) < right(@birth, 5), 1, 0) as 'age';
select name, birth, curdate() as today, year(curdate()) - year(birth) - if(right(curdate(), 5) < right(birth, 5), 1, 0) as 'age in years' from sibling;
select name, birth, '1953-03-05' as 'Franz'' birthday', year('1953-03-05') - year(birth) - if(right('1953-03-05', 5) < right(birth, 5), 1, 0) as 'age in years' from sibling where name != 'Franz';

select name, birth, curdate() as today, (year(curdate()) - year(birth)) * 12 + (month(curdate()) - month(birth)) - if(dayofmonth(curdate()) < dayofmonth(birth), 1, 0) as 'age in months' from sibling;

set @dt = '2006-11-23 09:00:00';
select @dt as Chicago, convert_tz(@dt, 'US/Central', 'Europe/Berlin') as Berlin,
        convert_tz(@dt, 'US/Central', 'Europe/London') as London,
        convert_tz(@dt, 'US/Central', 'America/Edmonton') as Edmonton,
        convert_tz(@dt, 'US/Central', 'Australia/Brisbane') as BrisbaneG

select @dt as Chicago, convert_tz(@dt, '-06:00', '+01:00') as Berlin,
        convert_tz(@dt, '-06:00', '+00:00') as London,
        convert_tz(@dt, '-06:00', '-07:00') as Edmonton,
        convert_tz(@dt, '-06:00', '+10:00') as BrisbaneG

select d, date_sub(d, interval dayofmonth(d)-1 day) as '1st of month' from date_val;
select d, date_add(date_sub(d, interval dayofmonth(d)-1 day), interval -1 month) as '1st of previous month',
        date_add(date_sub(d, interval dayofmonth(d)-1 day), interval 1 month) as '1st of following month'
from date_val;
select d, last_day(d) as 'last of month' from date_val;

select d, last_day(date_add(d, interval -1 month)) as 'last of previous month',
        last_day(date_add(d, interval 1 month)) as 'last of following month'
from date_val;

select d, dayofmonth(last_day(d)) as 'days in month' from date_val;


select d, date_format(d, '%Y-%m-01') as method1,
        concat(year(d), '-', lpad(month(d), 2, '0'), '-01') as method2
from date_val;

select d, date_format(d, '%Y-01-01') as method1,
        concat(year(d), '-01-01') as method2
from date_val;

select d, date_format(d, '%Y-12-15') as method1,
        concat(year(d), '-12-15') as method2
from date_val;

select curdate(), date_add(date_format(curdate(), '%Y-12-25'), interval 2 year) as method1,
        date_format(date_add(curdate(), interval 2 year), '%Y-12-25') as method2;
select curdate(), dayname(curdate());
set @d = curdate();
set @first = date_sub(@d, interval dayofmonth(@d)-1 day);
select @d as 'starting date',
        @first as '1st of month date',
        dayname(@first) as '1st of month day';

select d, dayname(d) as day,
        date_add(d, interval 1-dayofweek(d) day) as sunday,
        date_add(d, interval 7-dayofweek(d) day) as saturday
from date_val;

set @target = date_sub(date_add(curdate(), interval 4-dayofweek(curdate()) day), interval 14 day);
select curdate(), @target, dayname(@target);

set @target = date_add(date_sub(curdate(), interval 14 day), interval 4-dayofweek(curdate()) day);
select curdate(), @target, dayname(@target);


select d, year(d) % 4 = 0 as 'rule-of-thumb test',
        (year(d) % 4 = 0) and ((year(d) % 100 != 0) or (year(d) % 400 = 0))
        as 'complete test'
from date_val;

set @d = '2006-04-13';
select dayofyear(date_format(@d, '%Y-12-31'));

set @d = '2008-04-13';
select dayofyear(date_format(@d, '%Y-12-31'));


select d, concat(year(d), '-', month(d), '-01') from date_val;
select d, concat(year(d), '-', lpad(month(d), 2, '0'), '-01') from date_val;

select concat(year(d), '-', month(d), '-01') as 'non-iso',
        date_add(concat(year(d), '-', month(d), '-01'), interval 0 day) as 'iso 1',
        concat(year(d), '-', month(d), '-01') + interval 0 day as 'iso2',
        from_days(to_days(concat(year(d), '-', month(d), '-01'))) as 'iso 3',
        str_to_date(concat(year(d), '-', month(d), '-01'), '%Y-%m-%d') as 'iso 4'
from date_val;

select t1, t1+0 as 't1 as number',
    floor(t1) as 't1 as number',
    floor(t1/10000) as 'hour part'
from time_val;

select d, d+0 from date_val;
select dt, dt+0, floor(dt+0) from datetime_val;
select '1999-01-01' + 0, '1999-01-01 12:30:45' + 0, '12:30:45'+0;
show warnings;
select '12:30:45'+0, sec_to_time(time_to_sec('12:30:45'))+0;
select '1999-01-01'+0, from_days(to_days('1999-01-01'))+0;
select date_add('1999-01-01 12:30:45', interval 0 day)+0 as 'numberic datetime';