



复制代码 代码示例:
""" -
    Version: 1.0
    Report the difference in content
    of two directories, synchronize or
    update a directory from another, taking
    into account time-stamps of files etc.
    By Anand B Pillai 
    (This program is inspired by the windows
    'Robocopy' program.)
    Mod  Nov 11 Rewrote to use the filecmp module.
import os, stat
import time
import shutil
import filecmp
def usage():
    return """
Pyrobocopy: Command line directory diff, synchronization, update & copy
Author: Anand Pillai
Usage: %s <sourcedir> <targetdir> Options
Main Options:n
t-d --diff         - Only report difference between sourcedir and targetdir
t-s, --synchronize - Synchronize content between sourcedir and targetdir
t-u, --update      - Update existing content between sourcedir and targetdir
Additional Options:n
t-p, --purge       - Purge files when synchronizing (does not purge by default).
t-f, --force       - Force copying of files, by trying to change file permissions.
t-n, --nodirection - Update files in source directory from target
t                    directory (only updates target from source by default).
t-c, --create      - Create target directory if it does not exist (By default,
t                    target directory should exist.)
t-m, --modtime     - Only compare file's modification times for an update (By default,
t                    compares source file's creation time also).
class PyRobocopier:
    """ An advanced directory synchronization, updation
    and file copying class """
    prog_name = ""
    def __init__(self):
        self.__dir1 = ''
        self.__dir2 = ''
        self.__dcmp = None
        self.__copyfiles = True
        self.__forcecopy = False
        self.__copydirection = 0
        self.__updatefiles = True
        self.__creatdirs = True
        self.__purge =False
        self.__maketarget =False
        self.__modtimeonly =False
        self.__mainfunc = None
        # stat vars
        self.__numdirs =0
        self.__numfiles =0
        self.__numdelfiles =0
        self.__numdeldirs =0     
        self.__numnewdirs =0
        self.__numupdates =0
        self.__starttime = 0.0
        self.__endtime = 0.0
        # failure stat vars
        self.__numcopyfld =0
        self.__numupdsfld =0
        self.__numdirsfld =0
        self.__numdelffld  =0
        self.__numdeldfld  =0
    def parse_args(self, arguments):
        """ Parse arguments """
        import getopt
        shortargs = "supncm"
        longargs = ["synchronize=", "update=", "purge=", "nodirection=", "create=", "modtime="]
            optlist, args = getopt.getopt( arguments, shortargs, longargs )
        except getopt.GetoptError, e:
            print e
            return None
        allargs = []
        if len(optlist):
            allargs = [x[0] for x in optlist]
        allargs.extend( args )
        self.__setargs( allargs )
    def __setargs(self, argslist):
        """ Sets internal variables using arguments """
        for option in argslist:
            if option.lower() in ('-s', '--synchronize'):
                self.__mainfunc = self.synchronize
            elif option.lower() in ('-u', '--update'):
                self.__mainfunc = self.update
            elif option.lower() in ('-d', '--diff'):
                self.__mainfunc = self.dirdiff
            elif option.lower() in ('-p', '--purge'):
                self.__purge = True
            elif option.lower() in ('-n', '--nodirection'):
                self.__copydirection = 2
            elif option.lower() in ('-f', '--force'):
                self.__forcecopy = True
            elif option.lower() in ('-c', '--create'):
                self.__maketarget = True
            elif option.lower() in ('-m', '--modtime'):
                self.__modtimeonly = True                            
                if self.__dir1=='':
                    self.__dir1 = option
                elif self.__dir2=='':
                    self.__dir2 = option
        if self.__dir1=='' or self.__dir2=='':
            sys.exit("Argument Error: Directory arguments not given!")
        if not os.path.isdir(self.__dir1):
            sys.exit("Argument Error: Source directory does not exist!")
        if not self.__maketarget and not os.path.isdir(self.__dir2):
            sys.exit("Argument Error: Target directory %s does not exist! (Try the -c option)." % self.__dir2)
        if self.__mainfunc is None:
            sys.exit("Argument Error: Specify an action (Diff, Synchronize or Update) ")
        self.__dcmp = filecmp.dircmp(self.__dir1, self.__dir2)
    def do_work(self):
        """ Do work """
        self.__starttime = time.time()
        if not os.path.isdir(self.__dir2):
            if self.__maketarget:
                print 'Creating directory', self.__dir2
                except Exception, e:
                    print e
                    return None
        # All right!
        self.__endtime = time.time()
    def __dowork(self, dir1, dir2, copyfunc = None, updatefunc = None):
        """ Private attribute for doing work """
        print 'Source directory: ', dir1, ':'
        self.__numdirs += 1
        self.__dcmp = filecmp.dircmp(dir1, dir2)
        # Files & directories only in target directory
        if self.__purge:
            for f2 in self.__dcmp.right_only:
                fullf2 = os.path.join(dir2, f2)
                print 'Deleting ',fullf2
                    if os.path.isfile(fullf2):
                            self.__numdelfiles += 1
                        except OSError, e:
                            print e
                            self.__numdelffld += 1
                    elif os.path.isdir(fullf2):
                            shutil.rmtree( fullf2, True )
                            self.__numdeldirs += 1
                        except shutil.Error, e:
                            print e
                            self.__numdeldfld += 1
                except Exception, e: # of any use ?
                    print e
        # Files & directories only in source directory
        for f1 in self.__dcmp.left_only:
               st = os.stat(os.path.join(dir1, f1))
            except os.error:
            if stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode):
                if copyfunc: copyfunc(f1, dir1, dir2)
            elif stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode):
                fulld1 = os.path.join(dir1, f1)
                fulld2 = os.path.join(dir2, f1)
                if self.__creatdirs:
                        # Copy tree
                        print 'Copying tree', fulld2
                        shutil.copytree(fulld1, fulld2)
                        self.__numnewdirs += 1
                        print 'Done.'
                    except shutil.Error, e:
                        print e
                        self.__numdirsfld += 1
                        # jump to next file/dir in loop since this op failed
                # Call tail recursive
                # if os.path.exists(fulld2):
                #    self.__dowork(fulld1, fulld2, copyfunc, updatefunc)
        # common files/directories
        for f1 in self.__dcmp.common:
                st = os.stat(os.path.join(dir1, f1))
            except os.error:
            if stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode):
                if updatefunc: updatefunc(f1, dir1, dir2)
            elif stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode):
                fulld1 = os.path.join(dir1, f1)
                fulld2 = os.path.join(dir2, f1)
                # Call tail recursive
                self.__dowork(fulld1, fulld2, copyfunc, updatefunc)
    def __copy(self, filename, dir1, dir2):
        """ Private function for copying a file """
        # NOTE: dir1 is source & dir2 is target
        if self.__copyfiles:
            print 'Copying file', filename, dir1, dir2
                if self.__copydirection== 0 or self.__copydirection == 2:  # source to target
                    if not os.path.exists(dir2):
                        if self.__forcecopy:
                            os.chmod(os.path.dirname(dir2), 0777)
                        except OSError, e:
                            print e
                            self.__numdirsfld += 1
                    if self.__forcecopy:
                        os.chmod(dir2, 0777)
                    sourcefile = os.path.join(dir1, filename)
                        shutil.copy(sourcefile, dir2)
                        self.__numfiles += 1
                    except (IOError, OSError), e:
                        print e
                        self.__numcopyfld += 1
                elif self.__copydirection==1 or self.__copydirection == 2: # target to source 
                    if not os.path.exists(dir1):
                        if self.__forcecopy:
                            os.chmod(os.path.dirname(dir1), 0777)
                        except OSError, e:
                            print e
                            self.__numdirsfld += 1                          
                    targetfile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dir1, filename))
                    if self.__forcecopy:
                        os.chmod(dir1, 0777)
                    sourcefile = os.path.join(dir2, filename)
                        shutil.copy(sourcefile, dir1)
                        self.__numfiles += 1
                    except (IOError, OSError), e:
                        print e
                        self.__numcopyfld += 1
            except Exception, e:
                print 'Error copying  file', filename, e
    def __cmptimestamps(self, filest1, filest2):
        """ Compare time stamps of two files and return True
        if file1 (source) is more recent than file2 (target) """
        return ((filest1.st_mtime > filest2.st_mtime) or
                   (not self.__modtimeonly and (filest1.st_ctime > filest2.st_mtime)))
    def __update(self, filename, dir1, dir2):
        """ Private function for updating a file based on
        last time stamp of modification """
        print 'Updating file', filename
        # NOTE: dir1 is source & dir2 is target        
        if self.__updatefiles:
            file1 = os.path.join(dir1, filename)
            file2 = os.path.join(dir2, filename)
                st1 = os.stat(file1)
                st2 = os.stat(file2)
            except os.error:
                return -1
            # Update will update in both directions depending
            # on the timestamp of the file & copy-direction.
            if self.__copydirection==0 or self.__copydirection == 2:
                # Update file if file's modification time is older than
                # source file's modification time, or creation time. Sometimes
                # it so happens that a file's creation time is newer than it's
                # modification time! (Seen this on windows)
                if self.__cmptimestamps( st1, st2 ):
                    print 'Updating file ', file2 # source to target
                        if self.__forcecopy:
                            os.chmod(file2, 0666)
                            shutil.copy(file1, file2)
                            self.__numupdates += 1
                            return 0
                        except (IOError, OSError), e:
                            print e
                            self.__numupdsfld += 1
                            return -1
                    except Exception, e:
                        print e
                        return -1
            elif self.__copydirection==1 or self.__copydirection == 2:
                # Update file if file's modification time is older than
                # source file's modification time, or creation time. Sometimes
                # it so happens that a file's creation time is newer than it's
                # modification time! (Seen this on windows)
                if self.__cmptimestamps( st2, st1 ):
                    print 'Updating file ', file1 # target to source
                        if self.__forcecopy:
                            os.chmod(file1, 0666)
                            shutil.copy(file2, file1)
                            self.__numupdates += 1
                            return 0
                        except (IOError, OSError), e:
                            print e
                            self.__numupdsfld += 1
                            return -1
                    except Exception, e:
                        print e
                        return -1
        return -1
    def __dirdiffandcopy(self, dir1, dir2):
        """ Private function which does directory diff & copy """
        self.__dowork(dir1, dir2, self.__copy)
    def __dirdiffandupdate(self, dir1, dir2):
        """ Private function which does directory diff & update  """        
        self.__dowork(dir1, dir2, None, self.__update)
    def __dirdiffcopyandupdate(self, dir1, dir2):
        """ Private function which does directory diff, copy and update (synchro) """               
        self.__dowork(dir1, dir2, self.__copy, self.__update)
    def __dirdiff(self):
        """ Private function which only does directory diff """
        if self.__dcmp.left_only:
            print 'Only in', self.__dir1
            for x in self.__dcmp.left_only:
                print '>>', x
        if self.__dcmp.right_only:
            print 'Only in', self.__dir2
            for x in self.__dcmp.right_only:
                print '<<', x
        if self.__dcmp.common:
            print 'Common to', self.__dir1,' and ',self.__dir2
            for x in self.__dcmp.common:
                print '--', x
            print 'No common files or sub-directories!'
    def synchronize(self):
        """ Synchronize will try to synchronize two directories w.r.t
        each other's contents, copying files if necessary from source
        to target, and creating directories if necessary. If the optional
        argument purge is True, directories in target (dir2) that are
        not present in the source (dir1) will be deleted . Synchronization
        is done in the direction of source to target """
        self.__copyfiles = True
        self.__updatefiles = True
        self.__creatdirs = True
        self.__copydirection = 0
        print 'Synchronizing directory', self.__dir2, 'with', self.__dir1 ,'n'
        self.__dirdiffcopyandupdate(self.__dir1, self.__dir2)
    def update(self):
        """ Update will try to update the target directory
        w.r.t source directory. Only files that are common
        to both directories will be updated, no new files
        or directories are created """
        self.__copyfiles = False
        self.__updatefiles = True
        self.__purge = False
        self.__creatdirs = False
        print 'Updating directory', self.__dir2, 'from', self.__dir1 , 'n'
        self.__dirdiffandupdate(self.__dir1, self.__dir2)
    def dirdiff(self):
        """ Only report difference in content between two
        directories """
        self.__copyfiles = False
        self.__updatefiles = False
        self.__purge = False
        self.__creatdirs = False
        self.__updatefiles = False
        print 'Difference of directory ', self.__dir2, 'from', self.__dir1 , 'n'
    def report(self):
        """ Print report of work at the end """
        # We need only the first 4 significant digits
        tt = (str(self.__endtime - self.__starttime))[:4]
        print 'nPython robocopier finished in',tt, 'seconds.'
        print self.__numdirs, 'directories parsed,',self.__numfiles, 'files copied.'
        if self.__numdelfiles:
            print self.__numdelfiles, 'files were purged.'
        if self.__numdeldirs:
            print self.__numdeldirs, 'directories were purged.'
        if self.__numnewdirs:
            print self.__numnewdirs, 'directories were created.'
        if self.__numupdates:
            print self.__numupdates, 'files were updated by timestamp.'
        # Failure stats
        print 'n'
        if self.__numcopyfld:
            print self.__numcopyfld, 'files could not be copied.'
        if self.__numdirsfld:
            print self.__numdirsfld, 'directories could not be created.'
        if self.__numupdsfld:
            print self.__numupdsfld, 'files could not be updated.'
        if self.__numdeldfld:
            print self.__numdeldfld, 'directories could not be purged.'
        if self.__numdelffld:
            print self.__numdelffld, 'files could not be purged.'
if __name__=="__main__":
    import sys
    if len(sys.argv)<2:
        sys.exit( usage() % PyRobocopier.prog_name )
    copier = PyRobocopier()
    # print report at the end