Skin development
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Page Display Process

If you are going to develop your own skin, you should know how one page is loaded and displayed to the user, and how a skin fits in this process. For these paragraphs, we assume that you have put your CHM into c:\phpmanual, so it's accessible as c:\phpmanual\php_manual_LANG.chm (where LANG is the language code), and you would like to see the function page of "echo", which is function.echo.html inside the CHM. See the sections about integration for more information on CHM contents.

Every action is synchronized with calling back a function in the previously loaded file when the JS is in memory. The notes loading and skin JS loading is only synchronized with the page's onload event (which as the Microsoft documentation says only fires if the page is completely loaded).

This load and callback chain may seem to be too complicated, but so far this seemed to be the best way to do as many things as possible parallel, while also synchronize some calls.

As you can see your skin JavaScript file is loaded in by _script.js and it's displayPage() function is called by the body onload event.

Skin development
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