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The MySQLi_Result class


Represents the result set obtained from a query against the database.

Class synopsis

MySQLi_Result {
/* Properties */
int $current_field ;
int $field_count;
array $lengths;
int $num_rows;
/* Methods */
int mysqli_field_tell ( mysqli_result $result )
bool mysqli_result::data_seek ( int $offset )
mixed mysqli_result::fetch_all ([ int $resulttype ] )
mixed mysqli_result::fetch_array ([ int $resulttype ] )
object mysqli_result::fetch_field_direct ( int $fieldnr )
object mysqli_result::fetch_object ([ string $class_name [, array $params ]] )
mixed mysqli_result::fetch_row ( void )
int mysqli_num_fields ( mysqli_result $result )
bool mysqli_result::field_seek ( int $fieldnr )
void mysqli_result::free ( void )
array mysqli_fetch_lengths ( mysqli_result $result )
int mysqli_num_rows ( mysqli_result $result )

Table of Contents

php 手册 | 脚本学堂 | 脚本编程 | 网站编程 | 系统管理 | 服务器配置 | 数据库管理 | Php教程 | python教程 | 正则表达式 | 批处理脚本 | Centos教程 | Linux基础教程