Function handling 函数
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(PHP 4, PHP 5)

func_get_argsReturns an array comprising a function's argument list


array func_get_args ( void )

Gets an array of the function's argument list.

This function may be used in conjunction with func_get_arg() and func_num_args() to allow user-defined functions to accept variable-length argument lists.


Returns an array in which each element is a copy of the corresponding member of the current user-defined function's argument list.


版本 说明
5.3.0 This function can now be used in parameter lists.


Generates a warning if called from outside of a user-defined function.


Example #1 func_get_args() example

function foo()
$numargs func_num_args();
"Number of arguments: $numargs<br />\n";
    if (
$numargs >= 2) {
"Second argument is: " func_get_arg(1) . "<br />\n";
$arg_list func_get_args();
    for (
$i 0$i $numargs$i++) {
"Argument $i is: " $arg_list[$i] . "<br />\n";



Note: Because this function depends on the current scope to determine parameter details, it cannot be used as a function parameter. If this value must be passed, the results should be assigned to a variable, and that variable should be passed.

Note: This function returns a copy of the passed arguments only, and does not account for default (non-passed) arguments.


Function handling 函数
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