PHP Options/Info 函数
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(PHP 4, PHP 5)

get_cfg_varGets the value of a PHP configuration option


string get_cfg_var ( string $option )

Gets the value of a PHP configuration option .

This function will not return configuration information set when the PHP was compiled, or read from an Apache configuration file.

To check whether the system is using a configuration file, try retrieving the value of the cfg_file_path configuration setting. If this is available, a configuration file is being used.



The configuration option name.


Returns the current value of the PHP configuration variable specified by option , or FALSE if an error occurs.


版本 说明
5.3.0 get_cfg_var() was fixed to be able to return "array" ini options.


PHP Options/Info 函数
php 手册 | 脚本学堂 | 脚本编程 | 网站编程 | 系统管理 | 服务器配置 | 数据库管理 | Php教程 | python教程 | 正则表达式 | 批处理脚本 | Centos教程 | Linux基础教程