MaxDB 函数
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(PECL maxdb >= 1.0)

maxdb_connect -- maxdbOpen a new connection to the MaxDB server


Procedural style

resource maxdb_connect ([ string $host [, string $username [, string $passwd [, string $dbname [, int $port [, string $socket ]]]]]] )

Object oriented style (constructor):

__construct ([ string $host [, string $username [, string $passwd [, string $dbname [, int $port [, string $socket ]]]]]] )

The maxdb_connect() function attempts to open a connection to the MaxDB Server running on host which can be either a host name or an IP address. Passing the string "localhost" to this parameter, the local host is assumed. If successful, the maxdb_connect() will return an resource representing the connection to the database, or FALSE on failure.

The username and password parameters specify the username and password under which to connect to the MaxDB server. If the password is not provided (the NULL value is passed), the MaxDB server will attempt to authenticate the user against the maxdb.default_pw in php.ini.

The dbname parameter if provided will specify the default database to be used when performing queries. If not provied, the entry maxdb.default_db in php.ini is used.

The port and socket parameters are ignored for the MaxDB server.


Returns a resource which represents the connection to a MaxDB Server or FALSE if the connection failed.


Example #1 Object oriented style

= new maxdb("localhost""MONA""RED""DEMODB");

/* check connection */
if (maxdb_connect_errno()) {
printf("Connect failed: %s\n"maxdb_connect_error());

printf("Host information: %s\n"$maxdb->host_info);

/* close connection */

Example #2 Procedural style


/* check connection */
if (!$link) {
printf("Connect failed: %s\n"maxdb_connect_error());

printf("Host information: %s\n"maxdb_get_host_info($link));

/* close connection */


Host information: localhost

MaxDB 函数
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