MaxDB 函数
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(PECL maxdb >= 1.0)

maxdb_options -- maxdb->optionsSet options


Procedural style:

bool maxdb_options ( resource $link , int $option , mixed $value )

Object oriented style (method)

bool options ( int $option , mixed $value )

maxdb_options() can be used to set extra connect options and affect behavior for a connection.

This function may be called multiple times to set several options.

maxdb_options() should be called after maxdb_init() and before maxdb_real_connect().

The parameter option is the option that you want to set, the value is the value for the option. For detailed description of the options see » The parameter option can be one of the following values:

Valid options
Name Description
MAXDB_COMPNAME The component name used to initialise the SQLDBC runtime environment.
MAXDB_APPLICATION The application to be connected to the database.
MAXDB_APPVERSION The version of the application.
MAXDB_UNICODE TRUE, if the connection is an unicode (UCS2) client or FALSE, if not.
MAXDB_TIMEOUT The maximum allowed time of inactivity after which the connection to the database is closed by the system.
MAXDB_ISOLATIONLEVEL Specifies whether and how shared locks and exclusive locks are implicitly requested or released.
MAXDB_PACKETCOUNT The number of different request packets used for the connection.
MAXDB_STATEMENTCACHESIZE The number of prepared statements to be cached for the connection for re-use.
MAXDB_CURSORPREFIX The prefix to use for result tables that are automatically named.


如果成功则返回 TRUE,失败则返回 FALSE


See maxdb_real_connect().


MaxDB 函数
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