Multibyte String 函数
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(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5)

mb_ereg_search_posReturns position and length of a matched part of the multibyte regular expression for a predefined multibyte string


array mb_ereg_search_pos ([ string $pattern [, string $option="ms" ]] )

Returns position and length of a matched part of the multibyte regular expression for a predefined multibyte string

The string for match is specified by mb_ereg_search_init(). If it is not specified, the previous one will be used.



The search pattern.


The search option. Defaults to 'ms'.


An array including the position of a matched part for a multibyte regular expression. The first element of the array will be the beginning of matched part, the second element will be length (bytes) of matched part. It returns FALSE on error.


Note: The internal encoding or the character encoding specified by mb_regex_encoding() will be used as the character encoding for this function.


Multibyte String 函数
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