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KTaglib_ID3v2_AttachedPictureFrame::getMimeTypeReturns the mime type of the picture


public string KTaglib_ID3v2_AttachedPictureFrame::getMimeType ( void )

Returns the mime type of the image represented by the attached picture frame.

Please notice that this method might return different types. While ID3v2.2 have a mime type that doesn't start with "image/", ID3v2.3 and v2.4 usually start with "image/". Therefore the method might return "image/png" for IDv2.3 frames and just "PNG" for ID3v2.2 frames.

Notice that even the frame is an attached picture, the mime type might not be set and therefore an empty string might be returned.


Returns the mime type of the image represented by the attached picture frame.

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