PHP at the Core: A Hacker's Guide to the Zend Engine
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PDO Driver How-To

Table of Contents

The purpose of this How-To is to provide a basic understanding of the steps required to write a database driver that interfaces with the PDO layer. Please note that this is still an evolving API and as such, subject to change. This document was prepared based on version 0.3 of PDO. The learning curve is steep; expect to spend a lot of time on the prerequisites.

PHP at the Core: A Hacker's Guide to the Zend Engine
php 手册 | 脚本学堂 | 脚本编程 | 网站编程 | 系统管理 | 服务器配置 | 数据库管理 | Php教程 | python教程 | 正则表达式 | 批处理脚本 | Centos教程 | Linux基础教程