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Tidy 函数





  • value - the value of the node (e.g. the html text)

  • name - the name of the tag (e.g. html, a, etc..)

  • type - the type of the node (one of the constants above, e.g. TIDY_NODETYPE_PHP)

  • line* - the line where the node starts

  • column* - the column where the node starts

  • proprietary* - TRUE if the node refers to a proprietary tag

  • id - the ID of the tag (one of the constants above, e.g. TIDY_TAG_FRAME)

  • attribute - an array with the attributes of the current node, or NULL if there aren't any

  • child - an array with the child tidyNodes, or NULL if there aren't any

Note: The properties marked with * are just available since PHP 5.1.0.

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