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Windows binaries may be found at » http://snaps.php.net/. To install, download php_ssh2.dll to the folder specified by your php.ini file's extension_dir directive. Enable it by adding extension=php_ssh2.dll to your php.ini and restarting your web server.


Linux, BSD, and other *nix variants can be compiled using the following steps:

Note: Development Versions
There are currently no stable versions of PECL/ssh2, to force installation of the beta version of PECL/ssh2 execute: pecl install ssh2-beta


Compiling PECL/ssh2 without using the PECL command

Rather than using pecl install ssh2 to automatically download and install PECL/ssh2, you may download the tarball from » PECL. From the root of the unpacked tarball, run: phpize && ./configure --with-ssh2 && make to generate ssh2.so. Once built, continue the installation from step 4 above.

安装此 PECL 扩展库的信息可在手册中标题为 PECL 扩展库安装的一章中找到。 更多信息如新版本,下载,源文件,维护者信息以及更新日志等可以在这里找到: » http://pecl.php.net/package/ssh2.

Note: You will need version 0.4 or greater of the libssh2 library (possibly higher, see release notes).

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