A.22. 版本 6.3.2

发布日期: 1998-04-07

这是一个 6.3.x 的除错版本.请参阅 v6.3 的版本信息获取新特性的更完整的概述信息.


对运行在6.3或6.3.1上的数据库不需要进行倾倒/重载(dump/restore)工作. 所要做的所有工作是简单的 'make distclean','make',和 'make install'. 最后一步应该在 postmaster 停止运行后进行.你应该用 PostgreSQL 库对所有用 户应用进行重新链接.


A.22.1. 修改列表

Configure detection improvements for tcl/tk(Brook Milligan, Alvin)
Manual page improvements(Bruce)
BETWEEN and LIKE fix(Thomas)
fix for psql \connect used by pg_dump(Oliver Elphick)
New odbc driver
pgaccess, version 0.86
qsort removed, now uses libc version, cleanups(Jeroen)
fix for buffer over-runs detected(Maurice Gittens)
fix for buffer overrun in libpgtcl(Randy Kunkee)
fix for UNION with DISTINCT or ORDER BY(Bruce)
gettimeofday configure check(Doug Winterburn)
Fix "indexes not used" bug(Vadim)
docs additions(Thomas)
Fix for backend memory leak(Bruce)
libreadline cleanup(Erwan MAS)
Remove DISTDIR(Bruce)
Makefile dependency cleanup(Jeroen van Vianen)
ASSERT fixes(Bruce)