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Phar::createDefaultStubReturn the PHP loader or bootstrap stub of a Phar archive


string Phar::createDefaultStub ([ string $indexfile [, string $webindexfile ]] )

This method is intended for creation of phar-file format-specific stubs, and is not intended for use with tar- or zip-based phar archives.

Phar archives contain a bootstrap loader, or stub written in PHP that is executed when the archive is executed in PHP either via include:

include 'myphar.phar';

or by simple execution:

php myphar.phar

This method provides a simple and easy method to create a stub that will run a startup file from the phar archive. In addition, different files can be specified for running the phar archive from the command line versus through a web server. The loader stub also calls Phar::interceptFileFuncs() to allow easy bundling of a PHP application that accesses the file system. If the phar extension is not present, the loader stub will extract the phar archive to a temporary directory and then operate on the files. A shutdown function erases the temporary files on exit.


Returns a string containing the contents of a customized bootstrap loader (stub) that allows the created Phar archive to work with or without the Phar extension enabled.


Throws UnexpectedValueException if either parameter is longer than 400 bytes.


Example #1 A Phar::createDefaultStub() example

try {
    $phar = new Phar('myphar.phar');
    $phar->setStub($phar->createDefaultStub('cli.php', 'web/index.php'));
} catch (Exception $e) {
    // handle errors


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