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(PHP >= 5.3.0, PECL phar >= 2.0.0)

Phar::decompressDecompresses the entire Phar archive


object Phar::decompress ([ string $extension ] )

Note: This method requires the php.ini setting phar.readonly to be set to 0 in order to work for Phar objects. Otherwise, a PharException will be thrown.

For tar-based and phar-based phar archives, this method decompresses the entire archive.

For Zip-based phar archives, this method fails with an exception. The zlib extension must be enabled to decompress an archive compressed with with gzip compression, and the bzip2 extension must be enabled in order to decompress an archive compressed with bzip2 compression. As with all functionality that modifies the contents of a phar, the phar.readonly INI variable must be off in order to succeed.

In addition, this method automatically changes the file extension of the archive, .phar by default for phar archives, or .phar.tar for tar-based phar archives. Alternatively, a file extension may be specified with the second parameter.

A Phar object is returned.



For decompressing, the default file extensions are .phar and .phar.tar. Use this parameter to specify another file extension. Be aware that all executable phar archives must contain .phar in their filename.


Throws BadMethodCallException if the phar.readonly INI variable is on, the zlib extension is not available, or the bzip2 extension is not enabled.


Example #1 A Phar::decompress() example

= new Phar('/path/to/my.phar'0'my.phar.gz');
$p['myfile.txt'] = 'hi';
$p['myfile2.txt'] = 'hi';
$p3 $p2->decompress(); // creates /path/to/my.phar


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